Hersan USA | Blog


Tips for Safe and Conscious Driving

"Navigating Successfully: Tips for Safe and Conscious Driving"

Roadway quality refers to the condition and standards of transit routes, including highways, streets, and other transportation infrastructures. Maintaining high-quality roadways is crucial for ensuring efficient, safe, and sustainable mobility of people and goods within a...

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Advantages of Using a Bicycle as a Means of Transportation

"Advantages of Using a Bicycle as a Means of Transportation"

The bicycle is a great invention, and as a means of transportation, it benefits our physical and mental health, improves our mobility within cities, and has increased in use during the...

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What is vialidad

What is "vialidad"?

First of all, let's start with the basic definition of "vialidad," and we'll go back to its origins for a better understanding of the topic. The meaning of the term "vialidad," through its etymological origin, derives from Latin, specifically from the combination of two...

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The Importance of Reducing Speed in School Zones

"The Importance of Reducing Speed in School Zones"

With a focus on awareness, it is crucial to determine why reducing speed in school zones is important. Unfortunately, many people have died due to a lack of traffic education, and the majority of the deceased are often pedestrians. This typically occurs in areas where traffic...

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Why is Road Maintenance Important

"Why is Road Maintenance Important?"

Let's think for a moment and be empathetic. You're driving your car on some road when suddenly you encounter a street full of potholes. If you notice them in time, your vehicle might not get damaged too much, which is the best-case scenario. Otherwise, you've...

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Importance of Road Construction, Modernization, and Rehabilitation

Importance of Road Construction, Modernization, and Rehabilitation

Around the world, roads are of great importance for the economic, social, and cultural development of any country. They promote economic growth, as demonstrated in studies showing that transportation infrastructure, particularly roads, significantly contributes to a...

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What is reflectivity?

What is reflectivity?

Reflectivity (in photometry and heat transfer) is the fraction of incident radiation that is reflected by a surface. It is a directional property, dependent on the angle of incidence, angle of reflection, and the wavelength of the incident radiation. Eventually, it is also...

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Why is good road infrastructure so important

"Why is good road infrastructure so important?"

Urban cycling has existed for many years, providing people with an easy means of transportation and a popular recreational activity worldwide. Primarily, urban cycling involves using bicycles as a mode of transport within cities. Whether the main goal is to...

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Basic Traffic Rules That Everyone Should Know

Basic Traffic Rules That Everyone Should Know

Urban cycling has existed for several years now, allowing people to transport themselves much more easily. It has also become a recreational activity worldwide. If you want to know more about the history and benefits of urban cycling, as well as safety equipment and...

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Everything About Urban Cycling

"Everything About Urban Cycling. Benefits, Safety, and Much More (PART 2)"

Just as a summary and revisiting the topic from our previous blog (MESSAGE FOR THE PROGRAMMER: if possible, please include a link to the previous blog) (which we invite you to visit) and not losing the thread of its content, let’s remember that urban cycling has...

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Everything About Urban Cycling

"Everything About Urban Cycling: Benefits, Safety, and More (PART 1)"

Urban cycling has existed for many years, providing people with an easy means of transportation and a popular recreational activity worldwide. Primarily, urban cycling involves using bicycles as a mode of transport within cities. Whether the main goal is to...

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Difference Between Highways and Roads

Difference Between Highways and Roads

Sometimes we mislabel things, and this case is no exception. How often have we said, "I'm on the road," when in fact, we are on a...

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The Importance of Geometric Road Design

"The Importance of Geometric Road Design"

Geometric road design is the determination of the visible features of a road. These parameters include pavement, horizontal and vertical alignment, slope channeling, intersections, and...

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If Roads Are Improved, Lives Are Improved

"If Roads Are Improved, Lives Are Improved"

"The value of a civilization is measured not by what it knows how to create, but by what it knows how to preserve." We begin this blog with this wonderful...

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10 Basic Things You Should Bring When Traveling by Road

10 Basic Things You Should Bring When Traveling by Road

10 Basic Things You Should Bring When Traveling by Road...

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Basic Criteria for Road Design Part 1

"Basic Criteria for Road Design Part 1... The Users"

In this blog, we will discuss the basic criteria involved in the geometric design of roads, as well as the main characteristics of its four key...

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"The reflector has become a technology that is revolutionizing the world in the traffic signaling industry. In basic terms, omnidirectionality is 'Reflectivity from and towards any...

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Designing Better Cities for People with Different Abilities

Designing Better Cities for People with Different Abilities

As humanity evolves, so do our needs, and consequently, economic development and the urbanization process in general. Due to this, it is important to consider that...

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Road Inclusion

Road Inclusion

Today, the topic of road safety is crucial in all aspects of our lives as it relates to human coexistence. Likewise, the issue of inclusion has received...

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Exclusive Lane and Road Safety

"Exclusive Lane and Road Safety"

Have you ever found yourself driving on a road that lacks basic but crucial signage? You're cruising along, unsure if you're heading in the right direction or even the name of the street due to the absence of...

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Advantages of Road Studs

Advantages of Road Studs

The topic of traffic signs in your country is very important, and in this case we will talk about the main traffic signs in the USA, since it is essential to drive in the best way, to achieve some...

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Traffic information signs in the United States

Traffic information signs in the United States

The traffic signs of information in the United States are widely used on any type of road. They convey to the driver information related to the road they are using...

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The meaning of the colors in the traffic signs in the United States

The meaning of the colors in the traffic signs in the United States

The topic of traffic signs in your country is very important, and in this case we will talk about the main traffic signs in the USA, since it is essential to drive in the best way, to achieve some...

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Traffic signs

Traffic signs

The topic of traffic signs in your country is very important, and in this case we will talk about the main traffic signs in the USA, since it is essential to drive in the best way, to achieve some...

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High-density polyethylene

High-density polyethylene

Reflective has become a technology that is revolutionizing the world with the traffic signal signaling industry. In basic matters, omnidirectionality is...

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Tips to drive better

Tips to drive better

Hersan has created this blog to help you with some simple techniques that will help you make driving your vehicle more effective and safe for you and for...

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Know the road signs

Know the road signs

Are you going down the road and don't know what various signs mean? Do not worry "Hersan" has developed this blog to let you know the traffic signs...

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