"Why is Road Maintenance Important?"


Let's think for a moment and be empathetic. You're driving your car on some road when suddenly you encounter a street full of potholes. If you notice them in time, your vehicle might not get damaged too much, which is the best-case scenario. Otherwise, you've already reduced your speed, causing you to use more fuel with constant decelerations and increasing your travel time.

Now, let's think empathetically because it's not all about vehicles. Tell me, hasn't it happened to you that you're walking down the street and suddenly trip over a broken sidewalk or an open manhole? There are countless examples of road damage that can cause anything from minor to severe injuries, even leading to fatal outcomes such as death.

This is why we've created this blog, with a topic of great interest to all our readers: the importance of road maintenance. Road infrastructure provides an essential foundation for the entire country. Thanks to it, the functioning of all national economies generates a wide range of economic and social benefits for everyone.

Maintaining them in excellent condition is crucial to preserving and increasing the benefits for all users.

Key decision-makers must understand the importance of road maintenance, as well as the need to properly finance and manage it to extract the maximum value from the network.

Often, the lack of investment in roads or the mismanagement of resources in road networks has severe consequences for the economy and social well-being of all Mexicans. This report aims to provide arguments in favor of the importance of road maintenance, based on consistent and proven evidence from all countries, regardless of their size, wealth, or poverty. Roads are important for everyone.

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