Traffic information signs in the United States


The traffic signs of information in the United States are widely used on any type of road. They convey to the driver information related to the road they are using.

  • • Bike lane.
  • • One way road.
  • • Recommended speed.
  • • Road closed.
  • • Information of the next exit.
  • • Bus lane only in the time slot indicated.
  • • Parking is allowed in the time slot indicated.

Traffic signs of obligation in USA: The traffic signs or signs of obligation in USA are used when the driver is required to perform a specific action. They are not suggestions, they must be complied with obligatorily.

  • • You must drive faster than indicated.
  • • Minimum speed.
  • • Mandatory right turn.
  • • Pass on the right only.
  • • Mandatory left turn.
  • • Forward only.
  • • Truck lane.
  • • Pass on the left only.

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