"The Importance of Reducing Speed in School Zones"


With a focus on awareness, it is crucial to determine why reducing speed in school zones is important. Unfortunately, many people have died due to a lack of traffic education, and the majority of the deceased are often pedestrians. This typically occurs in areas where traffic control is supposed to be in place.

Therefore, it is important to educate the population and improve traffic education, supported by traffic equipment such as Hersan speed reducers. These devices will force vehicles to slow down, thus achieving road safety and protecting children and the elderly, who are potentially the most vulnerable to traffic accident injuries as they approach their schools or other destinations.

It is of great importance that streets, especially school zones, have adequate infrastructure such as speed reducers and signage, so people can walk safely from home to school and vice versa.

It is also important to highlight that many drivers speed up hastily and without caution, engaging in unsafe practices like using their phones, listening to loud music, or even driving under the influence of prohibited substances.

Having identified the root of the problem, it is essential to collaborate with the city and its citizens, as well as with safety companies specializing in traffic safety, like Hersan, to improve road infrastructure. This collaboration will ensure that both drivers and pedestrians can travel safely throughout the city. Implementing minimum speed limit signs and indicating special zones, such as school zones, and marking and highlighting pedestrian crossing areas and parking areas with the help of buttons, delineators, bollards, markers, speed bumps, and speed reducers is crucial. It is worth mentioning that all Hersan products are of high quality, capable of reflecting light and highly resistant to environmental exposure.

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