"Road Inclusion"


Today, the topic of road safety is crucial in all aspects of our lives as it relates to human coexistence. Likewise, the issue of inclusion has received significant attention these days, and a collaborative effort with the Subsecretary of Inclusion and Disability is being made through a short audiovisual piece to strengthen a new perspective on the poor road culture in Mexico. We all need to be more involved to improve it. Without considering inclusion, we cannot claim there is road safety, and the challenge is to find better ways of coexistence that ensure respect for differences and solidarity with the various needs of all citizens.

The APSV (Provincial Road Safety Agency) created a short film about road safety in conjunction with disabilities, making it accessible to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, or visually impaired. This project was done in collaboration with the Subsecretary of Inclusion of the Government of the Province of Santa Fe. The audio text includes descriptions for individuals with visual impairments or low vision, and it can be heard only by those who request it. A separate script is required for this, and it must be incorporated from the beginning of production.

This material was presented in 2016 in the annex of the National Chamber of Deputies as part of the Audiovisual Accessibility Law Project. Six audiovisual spots with technical and artistic characteristics that are accessible to people with different abilities were presented. You can watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqNy6d13mVg&t=3s&ab_channel=CHICOSVIALES.

It's important to note that one of the main causes of disability in young people is traffic accidents. The Road Safety Agency of the Province of Santa Fe, together with the Inclusion department of the government and the Rosario Animators Cooperative, worked together on a prevention piece. This collaboration resulted in the development of a short film that highlights the differences among various users of public spaces and underscores the importance of fundamental values such as RESPECT, equity, empathy, and more. It's understood that different realities exist, and it's crucial for all citizens to learn to coexist and share the road with one another.

The video demonstrates that road safety can only be achieved by considering the different needs of individuals using the roadways. For instance, if we were all more conscious of addressing the needs of others and respecting each other, it would contribute to the safe circulation of all individuals, regardless of their differing abilities. The video includes accessible communication, such as sign language, subtitles, and audio descriptions. It's the first work that successfully addresses the topic of disability within road safety. The video was created by a team of artists from the Rosario Animators Cooperative with input from APSV personnel.

The purpose of this blog is to emphasize the importance of democratizing the use of public roads and how road safety and social construction depend on a collaborative effort between citizens and the government. Therefore, we emphasize promoting interest, solidarity, and respect for the most vulnerable.

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