"Basic Traffic Rules That Everyone Should Know"


Urban cycling has existed for several years now, allowing people to transport themselves much more easily. It has also become a recreational activity worldwide. If you want to know more about the history and benefits of urban cycling, as well as safety equipment and types of bicycles, click on our previous blog where you can learn about that and much more. (please add blog link)

Now, let's move on to the most important topic of our new blog, where we will learn about the main basic traffic rules for urban cycling, which are extremely important for everyone, including bicycle users, pedestrians, and motor vehicle drivers. This ensures better communication with all road users, while also maintaining greater respect and safety for everyone.

Below is a brief list of basic traffic rules for urban cycling:

  • 1. Helmets and front and rear lights must be used at all times.
  • 2. Cyclists should occupy the entire lane to avoid blind spots.
  • 3. Always use the lanes designed for cyclists.
  • 4. If there are no special lanes, cyclists should use the right lane (the slow lane).
  • 5. Make signals to motorists when you want to change direction or use the brake.
  • 6. Pedal at a moderate speed.
  • 7. Do not ride on the sidewalk.
  • 8. Do not invade lanes that are specially designed for public transportation.
  • 9. Obey traffic signals. This includes signs, traffic lights, etc.
  • 10. Never ride against the flow of traffic.
  • 11. Pedestrians have priority when crossing the street.
  • 12. Avoid using a cellphone or headphones to stay alert while cycling.

Remember, knowledge is power, but something even more important is RESPECT. Without this important value, knowing the rules will be useless. So, let's move forward, ride safely, and respect each other on the road.

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