Tips to drive better


Hersan has created this blog to help you with some simple techniques that will help you make driving your vehicle more effective and safe for you and for everyone.

Unfortunately there are several motorists who do not always drive prudently, which leads them to mistakes, and such oversights, either due to ignorance or lack of attention, become bad habits, which can lead to a fatal accident.

Believe it or not, driving well is much easier than the activity seems, and that is why Hersan puts at your disposal some techniques that are important to put into practice NOW. Mainly it will require some time for your brain to automatically capture them, which will help you to be more skilled at the wheel. You even have to start practicing at the end of the blog.

1. Sit correctly behind the wheel: You should keep in mind that unless you are on a racetrack driving a real race car, you should not get as comfortable as you would on your living room sofa. That being said, you should not be in incorrect positions that lead to a bad driving position, neither too close nor too far from the pedals and the backrest should be positioned correctly to the steering wheel. Look for the right distance that allows you to step on the pedals in such a way that you can slightly flex your knee without having to move your hips, which will lead you to reach the pedals in a more comfortable and correct way. Now, regarding the backrest, the approximate distance will be marked by any of your arm’s wrists, which should be placed in such a way that it feels most natural over the top of the steering wheel. With regard to the height of the seat cushion, and if this parameter is adjustable, it should be as low as possible without compromising your visibility. As for the lower location of weight always benefits the dynamic behavior of vehicles.

2. Never, never cross your hands: Within the parameter of postural hygiene and emphasizing the habit of sitting properly, we should be able to correctly handle a key element of driving such as the steering wheel. An important tip is to place your hands at the famous 10 and 10 angle of the clock face (or 2 minus 10), this position will allow you to make turns without having to cross your hands over the wheel, nor slide them together in one direction or another. In both cases, and even if you think you have the situation under control, you may suffer from an obvious lack of mobility that will weaken your reaction to any mishap. You must keep in mind that it is the steering wheel that has to move between your hands, not your hands on the steering wheel.

3. Keep your gaze as far ahead as possible: Just like the basic knowledge we learn when riding a bicycle, it is important to always keep your eyes ahead and have visibility as far as possible. But often we forget this because we are moving so fast that we leave it aside. In driving, it is most basic to look far ahead, never fix your gaze on what is right in front of your car’s hood, since this lack of perspective significantly complicates our ability to react to any mishap that may occur while driving on any road. Imagine as if you were permanently scanning the route, mentally tracing the line you should follow in your vehicle with the greatest effectiveness and safety.

4. The important law of anticipation: Maintaining perspective in driving promotes one of the most important habits for all drivers, anticipation is knowing how to interpret what is coming, whether it is the layout of the road, traffic conditions, other drivers’ maneuvers, as well as the appearance of a possible pedestrian or living being. Such anticipation will allow you to have greater assurance in preparing the best response in case something happens.

5. And finally, the curves: Without a doubt, straight roads are given to most drivers, but the real challenge, or where a good driver is put to the test, is in curves, not to mention that there are really dangerous and treacherous curves. And to be prepared for the inclemencies of the roads and stop seeing them as enemies and turn them into allies with a little theoretical and experimental practice. As we mentioned before, keeping your eyes on the horizon leads us to the possibility of anticipating any situation. The key to these situations lies in reaching the point of maximum turn with the vehicle completely under control to avoid any maneuver at the critical moment. This translates into braking on the widest line possible within the lane layout, as well as avoiding all unnecessary movements on the steering wheel once the turn has started and accelerating again only when the exit from the curve indicates that mass balance is restored.

It sounds difficult and scary, but we assure you that it reads more complicated than it is in practice, so let’s practice.

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